The Power Game

2 min readMar 31, 2022


Even if you count from the Homo sapiens time, it has been half a million years and from the caveman life to the one who attempts to control the universe, the progress is tremendous. A number of struggles that we have overcome are unimaginable. I am still not convinced whether all these are part of the Divine plan or the Nature adjusts (if at all something is required) itself to any change that takes place in it. As long as we believe in science, we can truly appreciate our power and the things we have achieved.

The oldest of the power struggles can be the one between men and women. It is perhaps so subtle that we can’t even call it a power struggle. While we manage to fight against external things, this is something happening in our own race, and we haven’t had an answer yet. A coffee selling 10 times costlier than the price of it in a decade ago may mean the coffee price has been raised. But when you compare it with the price of everything, it is relatively the same. If you look at the science and the history of a few centuries, you can see the presence of women in all disciplines and so is the presence of men. Are they now closer to equality than in the previous years? I don’t know, but I guess we should make a relative comparison to understand it.

The Creation has made a physical difference between men and women that allowed them to do different things. Should this be called an inequality? I hope it is not. Equality is not dividing everything as 50–50. I don’t think that will ever work in the way we desire. Equality is the freedom to choose something that the person desires to do when the person got the potential to do. So obviously, it is not easy — as what one should desire itself is controlled/conditioned/tricked or whatever you may call it. It has become extremely complex with so many religious beliefs and the cultural attachments.

The future advancements in science can help with lots of domestic chores and including even at parenting. It may even redefine what happiness is, life is. If all these happen, it can significantly reduce the differences. Men and women can sincerely attempt to strengthen themselves where they are weaker. Will it bring equality? Perhaps, theoretically yes!

If “husband and wife” and “mom and dad” (note the order change) are man made, I think that is the key thing to break. It is not easy, especially without making any “by-problems”, without refining social values. Will it be impossible to achieve without altering the family concept? If it is not natural and just the cultivation of mind over the centuries, fixing it may take longer time than the time we love to take or let us believe that the magics do happen in this universe.



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