Play the power game, the bridle way
Will we be able to focus on our task when surrounded by anti-focus elements, both internal and external? I think most of us would find it very difficult. Maybe that is okay because what is more important is whether we are aware that we are not focused. This awareness is very important as we have a scope to survive, or even to be comfortable with the scattered focus and complete a task in hand, and hence we may not feel the difference. We won’t mind whether we are making an effort to produce a focused result. Is focus important? The Science says so and the common sense sees so, and so there is no doubt. Of course, only for those who wish to achieve and advance.
We cannot randomly find a horse and ride. We need training, and we also need to train the horse for riding. Inventions are always a marvel, and the bridle is one of them. I mean not just the physical design but how the overall system that helps the rider to take control of the horse movements and establish a communication channel. The bits might be a nuisance or harmful to the horse. The straps and the blinkers could be an annoyance. However, we need them all for a good ride. Likewise, our focus needs some control system. We can easily find tips for avoiding our distractions. But I am sure, even when practised properly, it will eventually harm us directly/indirectly, physically/mentally. The safe zone is very limited, and it is very specific to each individual. The challenge is finding the sweet spot, like how the bit sits in the horse’s mouth, and deciding when to go ahead even when you can’t find one.
It can be money or position or achievement or relationship or whatever it is, if we desire for a particular magic to happen, it requires an effort from us. This magic’s completeness is the amalgam of so many things that we cannot control and the actions that we can do. To perform those actions and play our part in the magic, we need a laser focus. It starts with our realisation and a commitment to improve our focus.