New Year Resolution 2018

4 min readJan 2, 2018

As usual nothing unusual here :)

I never thought I would get a chance to see a book like “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. I had gone through it. Interestingly I don’t find anything new in it for me! Of course, after all, I have been doing this tidying up work for several years now. My current challenge is in the form of digital contents. Yeah, I look like a mad person in this regard.

Here are the things I wanted to do: Tidying Up

1. Clear WhatsApp images/videos/text

2. Delete similar and common photos, basically if I don’t have time to rename them, they can be deleted.

3. Remove screenshots that are not necessary

4. Go through the songs and movies collections and reduce ruthlessly ;)

It is really hard to say whether social networks are addictive or not. Oh, no no… it is easy to tell they are addictive. Last year, I thought I would check Facebook once in a week. But I was less frequent than that. I wanted to be more active this year. I hope I won’t get addicted. I didn’t read group chats in WhatsApp last year. I think I’ll touch a bit, at least in the name of cleaning up.

Here are the things I wanted to do: Social Network

1. Visit FB at least once a week, preferably on Saturdays

2. Copy Paste post on Twitter ;)

3. Read individual WhatsApp messages, groups are optional.

4. As usual, leave all the notifications disabled

5. I still prefer email communication, hence will continue to use it as much as possible

My favourite authors of the year 2017 are Osho and Preeti Shenoy. In fact, the more Osho books I read, the more I feel like reading. It didn’t feel that I read any Paulo Coelho book this year — I read few. I prepared a book list last year to follow the order of reading. Though it was not meant for year 2017, I was able to complete almost all, just reading the last one.

Some of the books I can recommend are: Gitanjali: Song Offerings, The Red Sari: A Novel, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Road Less Traveled, Meditations, ஸ்ரீரங்கத்து தேவதைகள், Living on Your Own Terms: What Is Real Rebellion?, The Motor Cycle Diaries (Important: Watch the movie too) I am currently reading Dreams from My Father and the next will be 1984.

Here are the things I wanted to do: Books

1. Reduce book purchase

2. Read at least 10% in the digital format

3. Remember few authors and titles ;) I always forget them.

4. Prepare next book list to read by January end.

5. Finish at least 4 books in a “single day per book” style reading.

One of the toughest things I faced in year 2017 is with my name. It got rejected everywhere thanks to Aadhar. In fact, I feel irritated to see any name field in any form. Ultimately, this my question “why don’t we abolish all the name formats and keep it with just one field — Your Name?” I’ll take care of what it is. I hate to see a form with last name mandatory and first name optional fields.

Here is the thing I need to do: :)

From PAN to LIC policy change everywhere one by one. Make sure my name is just “Kovil Pillai” ;)

I tried to reach 72 Kgs mark last year but I couldn’t do. It is still around 75 Kgs. I’ll continue to try this year without reducing food or following any diets ;)

Here are the others things I wanted to do

1. Start writing stories (blog posts) at You are already here ;)

2. Get a nice cartoon/line drawing/clip art creating tool. Please suggest me if you have any. I am getting tired of searching for one.

3. Learn new words and make a list

4. Sleep in NE (head) — SW direction. I am not going to tell you the reason neither you can find it out ;)

5. At least 45 minutes for listening without doing anything.

I didn’t get a chance to watch lots of good movies in 2017. Some of the movies I liked: Yi Yi, Baahubali 2, Departures, My Brilliant Life, Family Katta, Eddie the Eagle, Dangal, Doctor Strange, Pink, Achaminri, Red Cliff, Tae Guk Gi, Kamaraj, The Green Mile, Walk The Line, Dear Zindagi

Money spent in year 2017
Rough stat. on the movies watched in year 2017

