My Hansie, bubble wrap and the art of happy living

Oct 31, 2020


Hansie playing with bubble wrap

I buy toys for Hansie from online stores. I usually avoid outdoor toys. He doesn’t prefer ball type toys. He is small, and most of them are too big for his mouth. He loves squeaky toys and never seems to feel afraid of those toys, which is not the case with many dogs. He likes rope toys too, but I mostly avoid them as they are not easy to clean. I run through a checklist before I buy a toy for him. 1. Indoor/Outdoor 2. Size 3. Materials used 4. Non-toxic 5. Washable.

Hansie gets another set of things to play. The soft drink plastic bottle is one of his favourites. The small neck part of the bottle makes it easy for him to grab and run. The next one is the empty sweet boxes. He will tear them into pieces. The sounds he makes and his expressions are sure to make me laugh, every time! He gets very excited when he finds a bubble wrap. I wonder how he learnt to do that. He presses the bubbles with his teeth and brings the popping sound.

Grab, drag, bark, run, jump and be joyful is what Hansie is doing with these toys, doesn’t matter which toy it is!



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