My Hansie and His Green Turtle

3 min readJan 1, 2020


The size, weight, colour and quality are all few challenges when you buy a toy from the online stores. I was particularly apprehensive about the size of the green turtle toy which I had ordered for my pet dog. If it is too small, Hansie won’t like it. I liked the colour and the big eyes and thought I would take a chance on it.

I received the order. It was fine. I gave it to my Hansie. He loved it immediately — love at first bite. That means I loved it too, and a click on all star top rating for the product.

This fancy design really attracts Hansie. The short and strong leg design protects the edges from Hansie’s teeth. The soft shell design invites Hansie to bite, but the squeaky design helps to keep the bite for very short. This green turtle toy can withstand thousands of squeezing and biting. It is not a showpiece. It is not a toy for kids. It is not even for adult dogs. It is well designed, designed with a purpose — to keep the puppy amused and engaged. It will wear out one day and will be thrown into a dustbin. That too is part of the design.

The toy’s whole design is known. The purpose is well defined. It can be reproduced. After all, it is a man made toy. In a way, you and I too are designed. You and I too are here with purpose. Unlike the toy, we choose our purpose and the design magically fits into that. The methods and reasons are ever-changing and secret forever. Why should it be this way? I don’t know but that is how it is!

Hansie with his Turtle toy

Somehow, this is the way of the life: This universe is full of purpose. You are here to live. It is up to you to find some purpose. It is not mandatory. You can still do the living, the normal living, an ignored life. But once you decide to live a purposeful life, you will see the whole universe realign itself to reveal the designs require to achieve your purposes. Experiencing this revealing is what defines the true living.

The mind always tries to deny that there is something that is beyond explanations. The greatest people are those who convinced their mind to believe in it. Once convinced, you enter into a new world, a magic world, your world. It is no joke. The past is the proof. Look at the last decade. Look at the last century. Look at the history of humankind to the very start possible. You can always find people who accomplished something that is beyond explanations. It could be your turn. This universe’s future can remember you when you become the part of its past. Don’t imagine yourself as a giant person standing on a tall pile of your accomplishments. No, it doesn’t mean that way. There is nothing to be compared. It is doing something that your heart desires and drives you to do.

You are protected wherever required, like the strong legs of the turtle toy. Your so-called weaker parts are really complements of something else that you cannot comprehend, like the soft top shell helped by the squeaky bottom. Your suffering is part of the design and gets ignored when you focus on your purpose. This toy will get destroyed one day. But it would have served its purpose and not the thousand and one other toys which would get destroyed unsold. Between your birth and death, there is a possibility of flowering yet another true life — your life in this universe. The path is remarkably simple. Just make one step, only one step to press your Faith button. The rest will follow. The choice is yours.



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