Love Marriage, Arranged Marriage and the Married Life
Love marriage is the one where two people love and marry without considering much about anything else. Arranged marriage is the one where two people meet in a planned way and marry by considering as many things as possible.
Love is blind and that doesn’t mean that love marriage will suffer. The couple may already get everything that the arranged marriage helps to fetch in. They can also handle things as they are not kids.
We have many tools and service agencies to help us find facts about anyone. So even in an arranged marriage, knowing the other person doesn’t take much of our time. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the arranged marriage won’t suffer. Knowing the facts about someone and understanding someone are not the same.
It is unwise to say that one is better than the other for a married life. There are so many things involve in a successful married life. The list is endless with things like personality, goals, culture, nationality, religion, language, family, friends, activities and so on. All that matters are how these things are handled after the marriage.
My point is, it is not about the love marriage or an arranged marriage, but how the couple sees the purpose of their marriage and then lead a successful married life. And my point is, it is not about the passion-life or some-life, but how you see the purpose of it and then achieve it.
The bigger picture is not about following your passion, but reaching greatness in your life. You can attach passion to something even if it is a thing that you never dreamed of. So, don’t worry about finding and chasing your passion. Nor worry about the detachment to your current stage. Your commitment to achieve excellence in whatever you do will reveal the presence of passion — love is just there in a successful married life. Excelling at whatever you do opens the door of opportunities of the higher level. The more opportunities you unlock, the more meaningful your life will be.