Impossible: A life between Jun 27, 1880 and Jun 01, 1968

2 min readMar 26, 2019


How cruel it is! Why deaf people? Why blind people? I can’t even imagine how that life would be. Eyes that can’t see the beauty of anything. Ears that hear no music of this world. A dark world. A silent world. Even the curse is a sin.
Impossible: What is there in life when one is deaf and blind?
She was just 19 months old when she had become deaf-blind.

Life changing moments are not necessarily tsunami like forces. It could be a simple touch. A gentle smile. Or a few ordinary words. But then like a small stream transforms itself into a roaring river, these little things somehow shower magic powers that are available for us at a deserving moment. There is no reason why it is that way but it happens that way all the time.
Impossible: Who will spend their entire life for someone else?
An inspiration from Charles Dickens’ travelogue took her to Perkins Institute for Blind. It gave her education. It gave Anne Sullivan, a life long teacher and companion. It eventually gave meaning to her life.

All great things are achieved only through hard work and dedication. There is no shortcut. We often get to see only the achievement and rarely see the path the achiever has traveled. The struggles, the toiled days, and sacrifices are always part of the journey.
Impossible: You cannot hear. You cannot see. How will you talk?
After uttering “wa wa wa”, her first word “water”, she had to spend her next 20 years in perfecting her pronunciation so that people could understand her words.

What make us want to live in this world? Maybe, we believe death is the end and we don’t want the end. Or there never can be a logical reason for this. There are people who wish to let it go for the agony of something that they can no longer bear and few who feel that they can’t make it meaningful any longer. The longer you live, the harder it becomes.
Impossible: How can you go on living when you have nothing that everyone else got?
She lived 87 years and received many awards and honours.

This world is full of things that anyone, including you and me, can do. Leaving them to remain impossible is only a choice, our choice.
Impossible: ?
Helen Keller



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