Foeship to Friendship: A Zero Love Journey

3 min readAug 1, 2021


I even wonder whether a new born feels his mother as a friend or truly as a mother. Do you agree friendship is independent of age? We met when we were in the 4th standard, and we were like enemies when we reached the 6th standard. We were in different class section every year. That was how they split the class, so that studious and not-so-studies students were split equally between sections. Our marks were compared in all the exams. Don’t you think comparison is one of the enemies of friendship?

Friendship enjoys if the friends have some common interest. He went home for lunch, and I took lunch to school. I used to play run-and-catch during my lunchtime. He preferred to talk with others if he could come early after lunch. I used to play cricket, and he used to play football in the evenings. He took part in all school competitions, and I kept away from those. We never could find anything in common. Hence, we rarely spoke to each other.

Which is getting stronger when two people are in proximity, friendship or enmity? I think both can. If it is friendship, it grows. If it is enmity, it also grows. There was only one section in our school for the 9th standard with the class strength over 60. It was done to filter and make the 10th standard strength to 30. Being an all-rounder type of guy, he got varied friends, and we got a few mutual friends. He scored well in English and I compensate that with my Tamil score. We both were doing well in Maths. In the absence of our Science teacher, our class teacher sets Science question paper for one of the midterm exams. He scored better than me at that time and I knew he went to tuition and our class teacher took classes for him. There were lots of annoying things throughout that year.

Can the living in a foreign place help to develop friendship, like two people meet in a different city and have to spent time together? It is likely. Isn’t? We both joined a new school for our higher secondary studies. The school was far from our place, and we, along with two more from our place had to go by the cycle. Though we went together, we didn’t converse much as we had to go via heavy traffic roads. And then we joined in the same college but in different groups. We rarely met, and I had no need to think about him.

Friendship is caring. Friendship is trust. Friendship is respect. Well, there could be hundreds of these. I didn’t care whether he was doing well in college. I guess nor he was thinking anything about me. He got a job related to his field. I got mine. We didn’t help each other to get a job even when we were searching for a job. Perhaps, it was the beginning of a life where we were completely away from each other.

I am a strong believer of no-definition for friendship and love. No matter what definition you give, you can see them failing. Let those be just a feel, the magical ones. Now, after so many years, I know many of his friends, and he knows mine. Our family members can talk to us without our presence. We are doing lots of things that we weren’t doing, and we never thought we would be doing. We are friends now. I don’t know how, when and why this transmission has happened. It is a pure magic — Friendship magic!



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