Do you love eating the last cookie?
I never thought that the curd rice is also a good food choice for dogs. My mom usually gives curd rice when she finds nothing else is attractive for our pet dog. He leaves some food in the bowl occasionally, and my mom makes a small rice ball and pleads with him to eat, saying, “the last one, eat… eat.” Of course, he can never escape, and I know I would have also faced the same when I was a child. He can eat that extra food, even though he is not hungry.
“One more rep… one more buddy” is a common phrase you hear if you go to the gym. Self-motivation can help a person to do one or two reps more. It becomes easy and fun when you have your exercise buddy. These additional reps help in training your muscles to do more. You can note that these extra reps also cause workout accidents as the tired muscles may fail to match the spirit of the motivated mind.
Those who got the habit of watching multiple episodes of a series in a single go may find that they might have slept before the last one and watch that episode again when they resume it next time. Or you might know a friend who studies for exams and sleep (I mean the one who really studies and not the one who sleeps as soon as he opens the book) unknowingly and read that chapter again later.
Towards the end of a trip, a passionate driver may take a short roundabout road when the reading says 994 km so that he can reach 1,000 km or 999 km.
It has become natural for us to push and complete more. There can be a hundred of reasons for it. The result of that action could be either positive or negative. The question is, will we be able to pick and do?