Demotivation by Motivation

3 min readSep 27, 2019


One of the wonderful things that all the mothers in this world can do is to make their kids eat food. They can always make the kid eat a little more. They know the facts and tricks to accomplish it. This is essential for kid’s growth and health.
There are people who don’t like a particular food because someone forced them to eat it during their childhood days. Maybe, even the good things become bad when it feels forced.

Blessed are those who get wonderful school teachers. Teachers have the magical power to shape someone’s future. They unselfishly spend time for the betterment of their students.
There are people who don’t like a particular subject even when the teacher is great. Maybe, even the best is useless when it is not of someone’s interest.

Coaches make someone shine on the field they love. They plan and guide. They push a person even when the person lacks confidence and enthusiasm. Many great people attribute their success to their coach.
There are people who quit and vanish because their coach’s expectation is too much to handle. Maybe, even the best coaches try to achieve something early by trusting their templates rather than understanding the person and wait for the right time.

Nobody can pour their heart into making someone great than their dad. They always wanted to guide us in every walk of our life. They make sure that everything is set right so that it becomes so easy for us.
There are people who hate their dads because they don’t feel of their own in anything they do. Maybe, people see too much of guidance as too many orders.

It is very natural for a person to praise the foreign country after the visit. That is when the foreign country is better than his own country. He may continuously propose solutions based on his new experience. There are people who hate and bored with something that they can’t comprehend. Maybe, even the minor newly created gap between the positions can let things misunderstood.

We can find a person who is so creative and very energetic. He can always surprise you with so many ideas whenever you meet him. In fact, few of them got a potential to become the greatest of ideas.
There are people who hate someone who always talk some random ideas. Maybe, even good talks waste our time as we already have our own things to do.

Forcing someone to do something that can help him in the future, guiding someone to learn something that is not of his interest yet essential for his career, setting goals for quick results when the time is short, repeatedly say something so that it get registered well and many more things can really motivate people when the limit is not crossed, when the receiver’s capacity is well understood.

Can someone demotivate you even when they are genuinely trying to motivate you? I think YES.

Motivation requires someone to understand you well before he does something. Motivation can happen only when both sides are in perfect harmony of things. There is a boiling point. If someone doesn’t recognise it, he will see only the vapours disappearing into the air, eventually leaving the vessel empty.



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