Bhagat Singh, Che Guevara, etc., and their lost power
A policeman was gunned down in the street. And another one and another one and it continues. I was watching the movie Methagu and these scenes matched the picture I had in my mind when I read those in the newspaper. I think the world has changed a lot now. We seem to have lost the power to persist with one’s belief and the ways to fight for it. I am wondering whether Bhagat Singh or Che Guevara is possible now. The Long March can only be a dream. Or is it not? Do we talk about Attila? Things don’t feel heroic if it happened in the dim and the distant past, no matter how powerful it was. Recency and proximity matter. Or it has to be elevated to a mythical figure which in general happens with a lot of facts erased, especially the negative ones.
If we move the instances from the past and make them happen in the current world, a lot of them could be a single day news or news that people lose interest in a few days. Without searching the internet, how many revolutionaries from the last ten years that you could name who deserve some place in history? It is easier for a ruler (with the law and force and people on his side) to do anything — good or bad. If something has to be done against the law and force? It is never an easy task and that is why the doers are remembered and worshiped.
The advancements in science and technology play a crucial role, or it is the thing that controls the world. If so, with the current state, are revolutionary acts possible? “Strong belief” is the core, and it is becoming difficult with the floods of information that easily keeps oneself in a doubtful state. “Support from others” is the next key thing and the fast-paced life leaves a very little scope for it. “Actions” are what can make the changes happen. Modern technology has trapped the world in its fist and, in this shrunken world, the “acts” can be caught easily and crushed at a very early stage.
So, is there a “hope” when needed? I don’t know how. But I am sure, regardless of anything, the universe follows the same pattern: balance- imbalance — (new) balance. Hence, the revolution will exist forever, and history will make a note of it — of course, with filtered facts.